Next-2Digits at the Graphene Flagship common Kick-Off meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden

February 6, 2024

On 5th and 6th February 2024, our partners NTUA, AMI, OMMA, SILEX, GSEMI and VTT took part in the Graphene Flagship common kick-off meeting and Science and Technology Forum, organised under the framework of the Graphene Flagship Initiative and hosted by the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The 12 RIAs/IAs project partners, along with the GrapheneEU project, the Coordination and Support Action for this collaboration, gathered to officially kick-off the cooperation, connect and find synergies for future collaboration and innovation.

It has been very interesting to have the chance to confront and engage with fellow project partners under this framework and to showcase overall goal, objectives and the expected impacts of the Next-2Digits project. Some opportunity of inter-project collaboration has already been identified and will be further explored in order to boost the research and innovation on 2D advanced materials and its applications, of which Graphene will be a core material.

Besides having the opportunity to meet in person with the other projects and present Next-2Digits, the Science and Technology Forum enabled participants to take part in various debates and further discussions on the future of advanced materials under the Horizon Europe project and beyond, considering also new EU partnerships like I’M for EU.

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